• FIVE Reasons to Attend PMTS 2025!

  • Can an Automatic Bandsaw Add Value to your Machining Process?

        Can an automatic bandsaw add value to your machining process?
  • Paper vs Control: How are you measuring your tools?

      Paper vs Control: How are you measuring tools? By JBM Applications Engineer, Drew Guldalian In many parts of the manufacturing world, there is always more than one way to do something. However, the end goal is the same: get the best product possible without taking a loss on the method used.
  • 2024 Section 179 Deductions

        2024 Section 179 At a GlanceLast year, the bonus depreciation for Section 179 was 80%, and this year it's 60%. It's important to get your machine orders in now because we don't know what next year's Section 179 holds. 
  • Tech Tip: Mist Collectors

        Do you need a mist collector? By JBM Applications Engineer, Drew Guldalian 
  • Tech Tip: Machine Geometry

    A typical 3-axis machine has roughly 21 geometric errors. That's at least 21 possible reasons the part your machining could be losing quality.
  • 2023 Section 179 Deductions

    Invest in yourself by taking advantage of Section 179 deductions before the end of the year!
  • Meet Hanwha: JBM's Partners in Precision Swiss

    Get to know Hanwha Corporation- a Fortune 500 company and #1 Swiss Machine supplier in many countries across the globe! Growing 12.5% in 2022 within the USA, they’re getting more and more recognition from the manufacturing elite as a leader in Swiss style machining centers.
  • Why Perform Preventative Maintenance on your Machine Tools?

    Why is preventative maintenance so important?To sum it up in one word: money.It has been JBM’s experience that most machine down time is a direct result of inadequate maintenance, and we all know if your equipment isn’t running, you’re losing money.
  • Five Reasons to Attend the 2023 Precision Machining Technology Show

    The Precision Machining Technology Show (PMTS) is the ultimate event for anyone interested in machine tools, tool machines, and tools for machining. This year's show features American precision machine methods, production machining, high precision, welding technology, and other cutting-edge manufacturing processes. PMTS provides attendees with access to the latest technology and innovations in the industry, along with educational opportunities for professional development. The event also offers an excellent opportunity to network with industry experts and peers and gain insights into emerging trends and applications.
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